Friday, September 29, 2006

Westend Starbuck`s coffee house

Espresso is to Italy what champagne is to France.

In Italy coffee and espresso are synonymous.

Italians do not drink espresso during meals. Espresso is considered to be a separate event and is given its own time.

The lovely Amber Walters ( who is the manager at the Starbuck`s coffee house on Westend) is hard at work interviewing a potential barista.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mary , the Mother of our Lord

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent to a town in Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph of the house of David; and the virgin`s name was Mary. He went in and said, "Rejoice (Hail) you who enjoy God`s favor!. The Lord is with you. She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the Angel said to her, ' Mary, be not afraid; you have won God`s favor.'

God said to the snake , I shall put enmity between you and the woman , and bewteen your offspring and hers ; it will bruise your head and you will strike it`s heel. Genesis 3:15

Photo taken at The Cathedral of the Incarnation .

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Song for Nobody

A yellow light
(Light and spirit)
Sings by itself
For nobody.

A golden spirit
(Light and emptiness)
Sings without a word
By itself.

Let no one touch this gentle sun
In whose dark eye
Someone is awake.

(No light, no gold, no name, no color
And no thought :
O, wide awake!)

A golden heaven
Sings by itself
A song for nobody.

Thomas Merton ( A memory Vision of Thomas Merton , Song for Nobody, by Ron Seitz.)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Our Lady of the Lake

The entrance to Our Lady of the Lake in Hendersonville Tennessee.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Team Hoyt

Dick and Rick Hoyt are veteran`s of the Ironman and Marathon distance. Rick always beats his

Dad by a second in every race. You figure that one out! Visit their website at

This is where I live

I have lived in this Condominium for the last 18 years.

Saint Cecilia Motherhouse

A few ot the Sister`s at St Cecilia Motherhouse with Pope Benedict XVI in the foreground.

Visit their website at

Our Lady of the Lake

Entrance to the Stations of the Cross at Our Lady of the Lake in Hendersonville Tennessee . The Church has three sets of the Stations of the Cross. One set is in the main Church, the other two sets are in the Chapel and Garden.

The Angel must be guarding the Stations in the garden !

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning , easy day. I will take my usual trip to Starbucks and then go to Mass. I will run this afternoon.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cathedral Garden

A rose in the Cathedral garden. I visit the garden frequently , sometimes I just sit there, thinking , as midday Mass is being said. Midday medicine!

Living Garden at the Cathedral of the Incarnation

A rainy day in the Garden at The Cathedral of the Incarnation.

The Cathedral of the Incarnation

The crucifix near the confessional.

This is where we reconcile our transgressions. This area tends to be very quite and sincere.

Cathedral of the Incarnation garden

Wow this is cool !!

I bought this new cell phone camera and I am learning how to use it. Wish me well.

Sister Eileen from St Ceclia

Sister Mary Eileen from St. Cecilia Mother House. The Sister`s had dedication festivities last June.